Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Photographic drives, at Jaci's lodges

I’ve worked as the photographic guide at Jaci's lodges in Madikwe since the beginning of the year and just like with any type of guiding, there are plenty of opportunities to learn something new every day. That’s an aspect that keeps me hooked to the guiding profession; you can challenge yourself on a daily basis, with every new guest. The interaction can be a great learning experience for both yourself and the guests.
A photographic drive is an opportunity for guests to learn more about photography in general and specifically wildlife photography. Every morning and afternoon there’s a possibility for a maximum of four guests to go on a photographic drive, on a first come first served basis. The maximum of number of four guests is to make sure that the learning experience is optimal. They can borrow cameras with 100-400 mm lenses, equipped with a memory card, as well as a vehicle mount for the camera, if they so wish.

Before heading out, the guests are given a few minutes of easy-to-follow instructions about the equipment, with the cameras set to aperture priority. To not overwhelm beginners, starting to take photos and learning as you go has proven to be the most inspiring method. I keep my camera at the same settings that I advise my guests to use, as to easily be able to show them what we’re aiming for, as well as being able to advise on how to adjust their settings to achieve the desired results.

We normally start out taking it slow, in hope of finding anything worth capturing on camera, be it a beautiful tree, a leopard or anything in between. As the different opportunities present themselves, we begin with basic composition and trying to get the animal in focus. Depending on the guests experience and knowledge, we then progress via playing around with different apertures, iso settings and exposure compensation to dealing with animals in motion, low light and other specific situations that may arise. Some guests want to learn more about certain aspects of photography, like macro or panning, which we then also will be giving a go. Important to keep in mind is of course the anticipation of animal behaviour, and this is where you as a field guide may have a lot to offer even the more experienced photographers.

On this type of drive and with the lenses we supply, it’s important to remember to not stop too close to the animals to begin with. A slow approach is preferable so as to get the whole animal in the frame, before advancing closer, if the animals allow for it. Sometimes dense bush and other aspects make this difficult, but then it is important to remember that close -ups and details can be interesting subjects as well. 
A close-up of the pattern of a giraffe, or a lion glaring at you can make for a great shot, even if most of the animal is obscured, as long as the eye is in focus. Here it’s important to use only one focal point, if you’re still on automatic focus.

The Facebook updates and safari slide shows normally become less of an ordeal for your loved ones, if there’s some variance in the type of photos you take. The variety of photos you can achieve in just one sighting often amazes the guests, as there’s a common notion that you can’t take pictures from certain angles or in certain light. A simple thing like zooming in and out, changing your position or angle, or waiting for the animal to do so can be very rewarding. If you’re patient and happy to experiment you’ll see that one animal in one location can be an absolute treasure.
Some guests want to photograph specific animals, like wild dogs or lions. Having only a few guests on the vehicle makes it easier to try to accommodate these requests. But, the photo drives are normally not about having the largest animals to photograph or a thrilling hunt to capture… though that’s obviously something you hope for on every drive! Nature of course doesn’t play on cue, regardless of what sort of drive you’re doing. I always find it more satisfying to accomplish an unusual or interesting picture of an ordinary animal, than an ordinary picture of an unusual species. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t get super excited when coming across an aardvark, wild cat or leopard, regardless of light, angle and obstructions. There will be lots of photos taken anyway; trust me. Results may vary and some photos probably satisfy the field guide in me, rather than the photographic guide.
Many guests have never had the opportunity to properly take pictures of birds, as it requires a rather big lens, or for the birds to be really close… preferably both. Most think they aren’t even interested in the avian species, but can then get very focused and competitive once they get on to it. Not long ago I spent about forty minutes photographing grey hornbills in flight, with a family of four who claimed to have no interest in birds. They didn’t want to leave the sighting, until we heard lions roaring close by and we went to investigate. Over dinner that evening, the youngest member of the family proudly showed off her mother’s work to everyone… not of the lion, but the birds!
Sometimes you get photos that at first glance look like a mistake, but deleting photos from the camera in the field can many times prove to be a mistake. I have myself had animals all of a sudden walking or flying straight in front of my subject, had my settings all wrong or moved the camera because of a bug hitting your forehead. Some of these shots can actually look intentionally arty or comical. So, if you are happy to get some fun and funky images, as well as your more normal shots, there are many awesome opportunities to be explored.
rhino-runFor me, different behavior and interactions is usually what I look for, as it’s what interests me. But to get a really nice result, light is usually the key. If the light is perfect, anything will look beautiful or interesting. The golden hour in the morning and afternoon are the times when you want to be having the greatest sightings, for your guests to get some really good shots to take home as their trophy from the event. Seeing the beautiful results of your own work is usually the best way of inspiring your guests to keep the photography up, even after their stay at the lodge.
Something I have in common with most of my guests is that I never get tired of sunrises and sunsets, which are difficult to get right, if you aren’t used to your camera. Often the request from photo interested guests is for nice sunrise or sunset spots, with or without animal silhouettes. This is quite easily accommodated, as long as the weather is on your side.  We’ve all seen the amazing postcard versions and trying to replicate them for yourself is a challenge, but also very satisfying when it all works out. However, it may also entail everyone getting up at silly hours in the morning!


Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Rhino Rescue

The poaching war on rhinos is unfortunately a very real threat to the species. Every day men and women are risking their lives to fight back and save the ones that still remain in the African bush. Last year, at least 1175 rhinos were poached in South Africa alone, and that’s not including the numerous orphaned calves that don’t stand a chance without their mothers. If nothing changes, there’ll be no rhinos left in the wild in ten to fifteen years’ time.rhinoA worrying report from a guide out on game drive the other day, told of a young rhino with a suspicious wound. I was able to join the investigation team to find out what had happened. The guide who had found the wounded individual stayed close by the rhino until we arrived, just as the sun was setting.
The rhino in question was located with some other individuals and was still moving around with them, although far from enthusiastically. It was confirmed that the rhino in question had been shot a few days prior. On closer inspection, an entry and exit wound were visible, meaning that the bullet had passed through and was not lodged in the animal. A few phone calls were quickly made to notify those concerned and to call in a helicopter for the following morning. As it was already getting dark, obviously no helicopter would be sent at this late hour and we could only hope they wouldn’t move too far during the night.helicopterThe next morning a helicopter arrived with the veterinarian, Gerhardus, landing not far from where we had left the rhinos the previous evening. The helicopter was sponsored by Rhino 911, a recently established non-profit organisation trying to make a difference in the fight against poaching. The helicopter had barely touched the ground before it was propelling towards the last known coordinates of the wounded individual.

From the air, they started scanning the area in the direction which the rhino had been moving the previous evening. The ground crew were waiting for news from the air. Often injured animals head off on their own and hide in thickets, so it can be quite a challenge to locate them. Within ten minutes we were told that the rhino had been relocated and the pilot (and co-founder of Rhino 911), Nico, proceeded to push the rhino towards one of the roads in the area. Easy access is of paramount importance as it reduces the amount of time the animal needs to be sedated and worked on. We were in luck and not even 100 m from the road, the rhino was darted successfully. We all grabbed water, medical equipment and towels and hurried through the thickets to where it had stopped.rhino-rescueThe rhino went down moments after we had reached it. Its position was checked in order to ascertain that it could breathe freely. A towel was quickly thrown over its face so as to not stress it unnecessarily and water was poured over its body at regular intervals to keep it from over-heating. It was a relief to see that the bullet had missed anything vital on its way through the body, giving the rhino a fighting chance of survival. The wound was cleaned numerous times, fluids were pumped into the entry and exit holes and then squeezed out again in a stream of pus and antiseptic liquid, to prevent infection. When Gerhardus was satisfied with the cleaning of the wound, antibiotics were administered and the ears notched, to give this individual his “id-number”.rhino-ear-notchingBeing this close to a wild rhino and seeing it being helped back to health was an emotional experience that I will never forget. Hopefully, those of us who were there will be able to tell our future guests how we were there when this particular individual was saved and how it spurred us to greater involvement in conservation.
As we finished up and all moved out of the way, the vet stayed behind to give the rhino a reversal drug. In no time, it was up and on wobbly legs the rhino moved off in the direction of its companions. I can’t wait to go out on drive again soon in this area, to see if me and my guests can see him and make sure he is doing well after his horrific ordeal.
If any readers or guests would like to get involved or donate much needed funding to the conservation efforts that take place in Madikwe Game Reserve they can donate to the Madike Concessionaires Forum. This fund is used for the reserve for Anti Poaching work, treating animal emergencies (such as the one we blogged on) and all the other incredible conservation work being done.


Wednesday, 19 October 2016

At the Waterhole

The waterhole by the lodge has always seen its fair share of game. Elephants and a large variety of birds are notably the most reliable visitors. The hide at the waterhole plays a vital role, as you can relax in the shade of a large tamboti tree, enjoying the views. Many people have experienced having elephant herds peacefully passing by, just a few metres away, calmly feeding from the bushes nearby.

The beauty of a waterhole is the same as when you embark on a game drive, you never know what to expect from one minute to the next. The amount of animals passing through on a daily basis is amazing. You may be in for a peaceful few hours, relaxing while watching the sunset, only to be surprised by an action packed and thrilling wild dog hunt happening at the last rays of the day. It’s happened to me a couple of times and it’s always what you least expect that’s the most fun.
Little over a year ago, a new project was taking form – the Terrapin hide. The idea was to have a hide in the water itself, getting closer to the action, without disturbing the wildlife. As builders arrived and some noise and activity was going on for a couple of months during the completion of the structure, we worried that the animals would be scared off and avoid the waterhole completely.
It turned out that this wasn’t the case at all. Elephants kept arriving at least once a day, though drinking a bit away from all the commotion, buffaloes patiently waited until sunset in the surrounding tamboti forest and birds totally ignored the fact that anything was different. One night lions even killed an antelope in the middle of the construction site, and the next morning we found hyenas feasting away, as we went out for game drive.
At the opening of the new hide, we were all very excited to experience photography at a different angle and nature has definitely been delivering. As elephants come to drink twice a day during the dry season, there are plenty of opportunities to get some interesting close-ups. They often stay for long periods and this time of the year they start enjoying splashing around, fully submerged in the refreshing water again.
One morning the news went through camp that there were lions at the waterhole and of course this was an opportunity not to be missed. As I arrived with both colleagues and guests, we got a very nice view of one of the most beautiful male lions in the reserve, lying perfectly across from the hide, not even granting us a glance. Later on he was seen mating with a female, in that exact same location, making hide guests very happy, as well as those of us out on drive.
I’ve always enjoyed late afternoon birding around the waterhole, as the golden light colours everything magical and many species come down to drink, bathe or fish. Often there seems to be a competition going on between kingfishers, cormorants and herons… fish after fish is being pulled out, to photographers’ great delight. Capturing them actually diving in or catching the fish is not the easiest, but pictures of them after the catch, with water dripping from their prey are also very rewarding. At eye level with the water, the experience feels close up and truly personal.
A few days ago, some of the guests opted to spend the morning at the hide, instead of going out on drive… something which can prove to be a wise decision. All of a sudden impalas came bursting out of the bushes, rushing past the waterhole. A few minutes later, the reason for this was revealed when a cheetah came trotting along, totally out of breath. Even though his hunting attempt had been unsuccessful, he allowed us a great few minutes as he relaxed in the shade, catching his breath before heading off again.
I’m still waiting for the perfect picture of a kingfisher emerging from the water with a fish in his mouth, water droplets frozen, looking like liquid gold or a leopard drinking at the water’s edge one misty morning. There’s no doubt in my mind that the opportunities are there, I just also need to be there, at the right time.


Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Bush Lane 2016

Walking safaris are a popular activity to do whilst in the bush, they do however come with an element of danger. Did you know in order for guides to lead walks in Madikwe they have to pass “Bush Lane” first? Madikwe Game Reserve guides have to prove themselves competent when it comes to rifle shooting just in case that rare occasion arises, so a few times each month they hold training and evaluations at the two shooting ranges in the reserve.
Photo by Ernst

Training is taken very seriously and guides are expected to be on top form. You need to be able to place at least three out of four shots within a 12cm diameter circle, at a distance of 30metres, as well as shooting three targets at 30, 20 and 10 metres, respectively, within 15 seconds. To be able to lead bush walks, you need to up your game and pass the Bush Lane assessment as well, which is arranged three/four times a year in Madikwe. If you pass, it means you are able to lead bush walks in the reserve for the coming year. I am always proud that we have such high safety standards.

Bush Lane normally takes place over a few days, as there are many guides that need to be slotted in, mostly in between game drives and walks, as most of us are still working our regular hours as well. Hence the hours between ten and two, in the heat of the day, are the most popular and hectic. Guides who are on leave or don’t have guests can choose to shoot in the early mornings, before it gets dreadfully hot. About six-eight assessments per day can be conducted, while the 30m groupings and 30, 20, 10 evaluations will also be done.

The guides who are qualified to conduct the assessments, as well as a few hang-arounds helping out with the logistics, camp out at the location for the duration of Bush Lane. Normally a few of the newer guides in the reserve will volunteer to do this, entailing going with on each assessment, carrying ammunition, picking up spend cases, replacing targets, as well as cooking, cleaning up, digging a long-drop, doing all sorts of maintenance, etc. It is very hard work in blazing heat and for long hours, but also rather rewarding and it’s a great way of getting to know a lot of the guides in the reserve, not to mention that if you do a decent job, you have proven yourself to the whole of the reserve.

If you’re visiting Bush Lane or doing your assessment, rule number one is to bring ice! Camping out for a few days without electricity makes it difficult to keep food and liquids cold and fresh, so ice is naturally vital. One day two of the girls even brought ice cream from the general dealer an hour away, packed in lots of ice… what a treat in the 35ÂșC heat!

Bush Lane will take you about an hour or so and you start off with your pre-trail brief, going through safety, hand signals, what to do and not to do on a walk. You need to make sure you’ve brought your First Aid kit, water and other necessities. The first exercise is a timed, blind-folded loading of your rifle. Once this is completed you can start the simulated walk.  As you walk on the game paths, through thickets and drainage lines, moving animal targets (controlled by the assessor) may pop up any moment. You need to be prepared, but at the same time walking at normal Sunday stroll pace, not in hunting mode.
Photo by Ernst

Some scenarios involve only one and others multiple dangerous game targets, at varying distances. To avoid total carnage, you can use a maximum of two rounds per target. Not only do you need to be accurate with your shot placement and consider safety at all times, but also make sure you’re aware of how many rounds you’ve fired, so that you don’t try to fire without any rounds left, or trying to load too many rounds into your rifle. You also have to make sure you don’t drop any rounds, keep your group in check and keep an eye out for non-threatening animals, that aren’t supposed to be shot (like zebra and monkey targets), just to test your observational skills.

Because there’s always a few much more experienced people walking with you on the assessment, and there are quite a number of targets popping up out of nowhere, there’s a lot of pressure and stress involved. Even the more experienced guides and better shots in the reserve find it nerve wrecking and may get flustered and intimidated, which (I guess) is part of the point. You know there won’t be any real lions charging you, so the added stress of other guides scrutinising your every move and the sheer number of targets at least gets your adrenalin pumping and goes a little bit towards simulating the real stress you’d be under if a real charge would ever happen. You also know that if you don’t pass, you’ll not be able to fulfil a part of the job you probably were hired to do, taking guests on walks… and there may be three-four months until your next evaluation. This is why most lead trails guides try to come around more than once a year, so that this hopefully won’t happen.

As the sun starts to set and the heat dispatches, shooting stops. A fire is re-started and cooking commences, while everyone takes a stand-by for the much needed bush shower. It is always amazing how great anything tastes, cooked on a fire in the bush, roast chicken, chilli con carne, beef potjie… you name it. As it normally takes a few hours for the food to be prepared, there’s plenty of time for catching up with friends you may not meet too often while working and sharing stories around the fire. Going to bed while hyenas are whooping in the distance and branches are breaking nearby is something I never get tired of. The only thing disturbing the peace is the horrific snoring of a few of your colleagues.


Friday, 30 September 2016

Rhino Walk 2016

Saturday the 24th of September, Madikwe hosted its second annual Rhino Walk to raise awareness for the plight of the species and to gather funds to support their conservation and protection. Last year, 1,175 rhinos were killed in South Africa alone, mostly for the alleged medicinal properties of their horns. Their horns are thought to cure anything from a common cold to cancer, as well as enhancing sexual performance. Since the horns are made up of the same material as fingernails and hair, this belief is of course utter nonsense, something which has been proven scientifically a long time ago. However, tradition is difficult to crush and if something is expensive, it also becomes a status symbol and measure of wealth.
As it stands now, there will be no rhinos left in the wild as the next generation of young South Africans reach adulthood. Telling your future grandchildren that you once saw these magnificent creatures on a game drive in the African bush might sound as foreign to them as it would have for us if our grandparents had said they once saw dinosaurs roaming the plains. Because of these worrying facts, Madikwe now holds their annual Rhino Walk. This year, not only lodge guests and staff took part in the event, but also school children from the surrounding communities.
By including local children in raising awareness for this cause, it helps nearby communities get involved and show their support. With that, it is more difficult for poachers to hide in their midst without being reported. There are many dedicated and passionate people working hard to protect the rhinos all around the continent, putting their lives on the line each time they go to work. They have already earned our respect, however they also need our support both economically as well as by helping to report any suspect vehicles, people and behaviour.
In the early morning, many of the field guides pulled up at the starting point of the walk with their guests. While the usual morning coffee and rusk break was taking place, guests got the chance to have a look at some of the guides’ posters and artwork that had been crafted to raise awareness about, not only the rhinos, but also other threatened species.
Some of the guides’ creative artwork made out of rhino dung, scrap metal and bottle caps, was auctioned out at the end of the event, securing some added revenue for the cause.
At 9am the walk commenced, with some of the reserve rangers leading the 5km trek. Though the theme of the day and the reason for the walk may have been a somber one, the atmosphere was still bright and hopeful.
While the walkers were out, a lot of activity was happening behind the scenes with the different lodges preparing delicious treats for their return. This was of course a welcome sight at the end of the walk and the chefs quickly became the stars of the fair. Our head chef Virginia’s deconstructed bobotie, orange-poached eggs, date balls and rhino biscuits at Jaci’s Lodges' table swiftly made their way off the trays, as did the kebabs, ribs and wors rolls at the other lodges’ stalls.
The rangers, who are the unsung heroes in the struggle against poaching, made it clear that you don’t want to be on the receiving end of their efforts in the bush. In a cloud of dust and thunder, they burst into action, showing off their skills in a short but assertive shooting session, enough of a deterrent for anyone with devious plans. With the sound of the rounds echoing out over the valley, the day was rounded up as the heat settled upon us.
All the attention, support and good will on this day will hopefully be carried forward and make a difference for the future of  rhinos. There is still time to turn things around if we take action, and this is the message we were left with. We have the chance to save a species from extinction and make the rhino a success story yet again. South Africa was very much involved in saving the white rhino from extinction only in the last century and if we join forces, it can definitely be done once more.


Wednesday, 20 July 2016

The Pecking Order

On a recent game drive in Madikwe, we came across one of the lion coalitions, the Modimo brothers. They had caught a young buffalo in a small quarry while out on their night patrol. However, the female thaat usually accompanies them had been left behind and didn't show up for the feast. Meanwhile, the two boys stayed in the area for a few days to finish their massive meal. As lions normally do, they kept gorging themselves in between napping sessions and barely took notice of our presence.
After a few days in the sun, the odour was becoming more and more pronounced in spite of the relatively cold weather. Jackals and pied crows were also attracted to the kill, but didn’t really stand much of a chance, as the two brothers kept a sharp eye on their prize and weren’t taking any nonsense from the smaller visitors.
I always find it fascinating that a 200 kg cat will spend time and energy chasing a bird away that might only eat a few grams of their kill!
When the carcass was little more than skin and bones, the Modimo males decided it was time to leave and to perhaps try to meet up with their female companion. As they left, the cleaning squad swiftly moved in. A couple of spotted hyenas started fighting over the biggest pieces, while three jackals made the most of the diverted attention.
However, the larger female hyena easily kept the younger male at bay and even managed to give the jackals the evil eye from time to time. When one of them proudly ran off with a rib into the shade, the young hyena was quick to steal it back, in order to have something to eat without having to take on the older female.
When she finally had torn off a large piece of the spine from the rest of the carcass, she made a quick retreat into the bushes.
The younger hyena had then had his fill, all the while scanning the bushes nervously. The jackals, however, seemed more relaxed as their larger competitor was now gone, and even the crows joined in. We could hear a lion roaring in the distance and also saw a couple of brown hyenas lurking about in the bushes nearby. This was probably the reason for the young one’s skittish demeanour. Soon the male hyena also departed, along the same route as the older one had just left.
The more relaxed of the brown hyenas then immediately took over the carcass and seemed to want to make off with all of the leftovers, which was a very unpopular decision with the jackals, who tried to feed while the bones were being dragged away from them.
The hyena puffed her fur up in order to look as intimidating as possible to the smaller predators and the other brown hyena that was still watching from a distance. This had little effect on the jackals though, and the brown hyena, after struggling a bit with the weight and bulkiness, resolved to just feed out in the open, right in front of us.
As the greedy animal tried to bite off more than she could chew, a bone seemed to get stuck in her throat. For a while it looked like a severe problem as she put her whole foot in her mouth to try to get rid of it.
A couple of minutes later it was, however, all forgotten and she continued feeding happily alongside the jackals. Eventually the second brown hyena warily made its approach and we decided it was time to leave the feasting party so that the nervous animal could have its fill in peace.

Meanwhile, the Modimo brothers had indeed met up with the female – right in front of our lodge! For a couple of days they were seen and heard mating by our waterhole, while one of the males rested in the sun, giving our guests plenty of opportunities to get some excellent sightings of the carefree lions.
