Sunday 27 March 2016

Shady lions

In the southern part of Madikwe, one of the lionesses has recently been seen spending time with her two young cubs. One morning while out on a drive, we were among the very few vehicles in the area. We went in search of her and the rest of the pride, where they had last been seen the night before. Fortunately for me and the Good family, we soon got lucky and since it was a quiet morning, we had the privilege of spending the better part of it with her and the rest of the pride, all on our own!
The two little cubs were crawling all over one of the two males, having great fun. He was very patient and never once growled at them. As the sun kept rising, the shade grew smaller and eventually they all moved closer together, under one of the larger bushes in search of some reprieve from the heat. On the vehicle however, it was getting pretty warm, as well as heated, as one of the young ones in the family was getting a bit impatient. However, the matriarch of the Goods was firm in her wish to stay for a bit longer and that settled it.
When the other male tried to squeeze in between the two other adults, to also get some shade, patience had worn thin amongst the cats though. In a blur of teeth, claws and growling on all ends, the three lions were tumbling around in a furry ball of fury.
The dispute was quickly settled and the latecomer reluctantly went for a rest in a patch a bit sunnier than he would have preferred – at least for a little while. Normally lions don’t hold grudges, and soon the lions would be the best of friends again. The two cubs got the freight of their lives however and had gone scurrying off, to not accidentally get caught between the combatants.
Eventually the cubs carefully made their way back to the rest of the pride and, with some reassurance from the shade-winning male, peace was restored once more.


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