Friday 18 October 2013

Love in the Lowveld

When it comes to lions, I've mentioned a few times earlier that they usually aren't very exciting to watch, as their most common activity is sleeping.
Once in a while you're just in the right place at the right time though, as we were this spring afternoon, when love was in the air...
We found the three lions close by one of the dams and every few minutes one of the lionesses got up and did her best to entice the male, with the expected response. The other lioness decided to respectfully keep a few metres distance and relaxed in the shade of our vehicle, to everyone's delight.
Afterwards, I must say, she seemed rather pleased with her achievement. They would continue with this activity on average every twenty minutes for about five days.
A couple of nights later, neither of them seemed very interested in mating any longer though, but nevertheless dutifully kept to their routine.


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