Friday 31 January 2014

Critter catch

One day our ranger, Flower Boy, decided on catching a scorpion. He was running around like a crazy person (as rangers often are), over-turning stones like crazy (which rangers admittedly quite often are). Now, there are a couple of ways of doing this... the right way and the wrong way. Which one FB decided on remained no mystery, a girlish yelp followed by some swearing told us exactly what his choice of action had been.
Luckily this one wasn't one of the dangerous ones and all he got was a sore hand and bruised pride.
He did however also show us a bunch of other little ones, of a more harmeless variety. He had some good help finding these guys from an excellent critter spotter though...
Maybe I should let you in on the fact that he successfully managed to catch another one a couple of months later... and thereby redeemed himself.


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